Going to the park--sunscreen and sunglasses ready but not looking totally thrilled
2 Chronicles 36:15 "The LORD, the God of their fathers, sent word to them through His messengers again and again because He had pity on His people and on His dwelling place. But they mocked God's messengers, despised His Words and scoffed at His prophets."
Throughout the Scriptures, God was giving warnings to His people--like a loving, caring parent trying to guide his children and to help them avoid danger. In Genesis, God warned Adam and Eve not to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil--but they were free to eat of any other tree in the garden. What devastating results for all mankind because they did not heed God's warning. Just a little later, Cain is also on a path of destruction in thought and attitude, and God warns Him: "Why are you angry? Why is your face downcast? If you do what is right, will you not be accepted?" And then, "But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must rule over it." Once again Cain did not heed the warning, and dire consequences resulted. And for us today, like a loving parent, God sends us warnings through different means. God's Word can sound a warning if we are perceptive enough to hear it. That's why being regularly in the Word is so important. Kyle Idleman says, "...part of the supernatural power of God's Word is that it often intersects our lives when we are most desperate for the truth. Like a GPS system that gives us a heads up when our exit is quickly approaching, God's Word speaks into our lives right when we need it the most." God has been speaking this into my life recently from a book I've been reading--AHA (Awakening, Honesty, Action) by Kyle Idleman.

Ezra is always ready to interact with kids. Here he is playing with the little neighbor girl at our house. A shovel, a couple of toys, and some dirt--what fun!
Sometimes we need a wake-up call to let us know that we're off the path or headed the wrong way--headed for destruction. Sometimes something dramatic in our lives has woken us to this need. If we're sensitive, God's holy Word can convict us and get us back on the path--headed the right way. But that wake-up call must be followed by brutal honesty on our parts.
What fun to have lunch recently with Home of Faith, part of the foundation for which Matthew and Audrey work.
Dad and Ezra showing off/ Dave's brother,Doug and wife, Cathy--bottom right
Dave and I are hidden behind the raised Ezra on the far left
God can also use examples in Scripture like Adam and Eve and Cain and many others as a wake-up call. I Cor. 10:11-12 says, "These things happened to them (Israel) as examples and were written down as warnings for us. So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don't fall." God's Word can sound the alarm, we have examples from Scripture,and hopefully we have godly friends that will tell us what we need to hear and not only what we want to hear. May God, our loving Father, open our eyes to any sin that has blinded us and any lies from the evil one that have deceived us. And then---hopefully we can be brutally honest about what needs to change and be willing to take action. Our actions as a result of faith is what sets us apart--that we might declare the praises of Him who called us out of darkness into this wonderful light.
Joy and Bom's Wedding
Grandma and Ezra at Maria's wedding
Matt sharing at Maria's wedding
Sher speaking at GICS Chapel
Please pray:
- That our lives--actions---may declare the praises of our great and mighty God--that we might be salt and light everywhere we go and to everyone with whom we come into contact.
- That we might have patience to "go with the flow" here. We are definitely learning this truth--but we need to learn it yet more and more.
- For Dave as he preaches to such a diverse group of people each week--that he may preach the Gospel clearly and succinctly
- For Sher's Bible study--that all involved will grow in their knowledge of the Word and be transformed by it..
- Thank you for your prayers for our yearly visas--your prayers were answered! Please continue to pray for scheduled check-ins and paper work that we must continue to process.
- For continued good health and strength to do necessary tasks
- For us to love and encourage this body of believers to the best of our ability
- For Matthew and Audrey's ministry with Faithful Heart Foundation
- Please pray for the challenges that come in any labor for the Lord--that our hearts and attitudes would be right and pure
- That we would make the most of this dear time with Matthew, Audrey, and Ezra--what a wonderful gift from God--and for the ones we miss back home.
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