Ezra and Grandma having lunch at Market
What a blessing to be here with our darling grandsom. As he is growing and developing and exploring the world, we are having great fun with him. Audrey, Ezra and I spent some time recently at the famous Warorot Market here looking for Christmas things. This market is such an incredible mix of sights, sounds, and smells and going there is always a unique, amazing experience.
I've been receiving Dallas Willard devotionals on line. This thought really struck me recently:"The way of Jesus is a way of firsthand interaction--knowing by acquaintance--direct awareness of Him and His kingdom." This coincided exactly with what we've been studying in the book of James for my Bible study. We had been talking about how James says, "If anyone lacks wisdom, he should ask God who gives generously to all without finding fault,and it will be given to him." If we lack wisdom, we simply need to ask our God who gives generously to all--without finding fault. That "all" includes you and it includes me. Beth Moore says, "He doesn't just top off the glass of our lacking. He lets it spill over the edge and into our laps." God never mocks us for lacking wisdom saying something like, How could you be so stupid?-- instead He gives "without finding fault."
Quaint, unique cafe at the market
Why must we continually ask God when He already knows all that we need? Dallas Willard says that you can't sustain a kingdom life, a life "not of this world," without interaction with the King. And such an interaction with God is the most precious thing available to any human being. The King of the universe wants a real, live relationship with us. I never cease to be amazed at this! When I study the names of God which reveal His nature and character--the creator and sustainer of all that is-- and know that such an awesome God delights in fellowship with me his created being--I continue to be in awe. Beth says, "The role that God cherishes most is Father. He wants us--frail moral creatures--to connect with Him and communicate with Him as the dearest relationship in human existence. He delights to be our sole and holy source for all things in life." That's exactly what Dallas was saying. This is the way of Jesus--communicating with our dear Heavenly Father in intimate relationship.

Loi Gra Tong (Light Festival)
A very special lantern
The apostle Paul said, "I regard everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord" His highest goal--objective in life was to know Christ and the power of His resurrection. Oh that it could our highest and most important goal! (Phil. 3:8-11)
The Light Festival (Loi Gra Tong ) is another fascinating thing to see and experience, but there are many--many people who come out for it. It you're not one for crowds, this is not for you. But just being there amidst this spectacular display of lanterns rising to the sky is worth it. The celebration comes on the first full moon in November.
Southeast Asia Christmas party
We love attending the southeast Asia Christmas party. It is a celebration of our Savior's birth--and the gift of our salvation with people from southeastern Asian countries. It's a time of great food and fellowship--testimonials and singing. This year we had visitors from Nagaland. What wonderful Christian people and what amazing musical gifts. I asked if every person was so talented musically.
Our little Christmas tree and a taste of home
The cutest little boy ever!
Matthew, Audrey, and Ezra lighting Advent candle wreath
So proud of my Bogainvillea!
My Bible study
Two beautiful granddaughters
Audrey and Ezra at Warorot Market
We will include pictures of the other Christmas parties in our January blog. We will again have many people sharing Luke 2:10-11 in their native tongue in our service on the 24th to celebrate our Savior's birth. As you contemplate the wonder of the greatest of all gifts may you be renewed and refreshed in your spirit. We covet and appreciate prayers on our behalf--always challenges. Please pray:
For our trip to Bangkok in January and the renewal of our visas
For our housing situation--we have been told that our landlord may sell our home to an investor. We are praying that we can stay even if she does. We're not sure if or when this will happen, but we are trusting God in it.
For continued health and strength to minister here
That we will be an encouragement and support to the people in our congregation
That we will be salt and light everywhere we go and with whom all we come into contact
For wisdom in sorting through challenges--all we have to do is ASK!
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