Beautiful flowers throughout our neighborhood
Colossians 3:17 "Whatever you do in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus giving thanks to God the Father through Him." St. Irenaeus said, "The glory of God is a human being fully alive; and to be fully alive consists in beholding God." Isn't that the key to our lives as Christians; we are here to glorify God and to give the reason for the hope we have in Christ. Consequently, whatever our age, and wherever we are, we can seek to bring glory to our God to the best of our ability and through the sanctifying work of His spirit. "May those who come behind us find us faithful" (Steve Green-"Find Us Faithful") and may they continue the walk of faith as we faithfully pray for them.
Our church, The Gathering, experienced a first--a church picnic! We are constantly thinking of ways to unite our international, multicultural church as one body. Many come infrequently as they are busy ministering in other places. It is often a time of refreshment for them to worship with fellow believers in English. One team of 15 people worshiped with us recently on their way to minister in another country. One of my dear friends who came to my Bible Study and was here for a year is returning to her home country. I will miss her. She is a dear sister in Christ. Praise God some of her family recently came to Christ.
Audrey and baby Ezra--one of his first outings and Amy, Audrey's sister

I think she likes the hot dog!
Another couple who just recently joined with us and was excited about helping us with a prayer ministry--told us that their mission agency is moving them to a new field. Such is the nature of the international church. Barry Gaeddert (London) says, "At ICC, I always saw our job to train people to go into the world. They were with us for one year, or two or three years. And then they often went to places around the globe. So our job was to invest spiritually, help them grow in their walk with God, to learn about their gifts and how to use them... and then to send them on more mature than when they arrived." Edmund Haroucourt said, "We leave behind a bit of ourselves wherever we have been." May we leave some of Jesus in this place and may we impact those who know Christ to a deeper walk with Him. "But thanks be to God who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of Him. For we are to God the aroma of Christ." 2 Cor. 2:15

Please pray:
- That we will be an encouragement and blessing to the people who attend The Gathering.
- For Dave in his preaching that he will speak to hearts what they need to hear as he is directed by the Holy Spirit.
- That we will be the aroma of Christ to all the people with whom we come into contact --our neighbors, clerks where we shop, etc. and that the Lord will provide opportunities to share Christ.
- Pray that the Lord will use us here to His glory.
- Pray for language work that is hard and laborious. May we persevere and practice-- practice!
- Pray for our grandson Ezra (health, strength and protection) and for his parents who are working hard to be wonderful parents.
- Amy, Audrey's sister, who is teaching this year at Grace International School here in Chiang Mai.